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Wrestling Builds


Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”


Champions are people who get up when they can’t.


No activity I know is more of a confidence builder and at the same time, more ‘humility training’ than wrestling.


Wrestling unlike any other sport teaches your child how to stand on their own and face a challenge.  While traditional team sports do a great job of teaching cooperation, there are moments in life when "if it is to be; it is up to me". Wrestling will help your child develop a true self worth by making them take on challenges independently.


When your child embarks on their journey with Tiger Youth Wrestling they will learn two sides of the commitment coin. First, they will learn what it means to pour themselves into the pursuit of goals.  Secondly they will be exposed to a program that is committed to their development as a healthy individual.


The function of leadership is to produce more leaders not more followers. Wrestling seeks to do this by providing your child with opportunities to take charge and responsibility in all his endeavors.


Self-Drive is the key to all accomplishment.  Through wrestling your child will learn how to train and prepare for something that no one else can do for him.  A 2012 Forbes magazine article said "wrestlers make the best employees" because of "a capacity to push themselves harder than most"


In wrestling there are winners and learners.  No one that steps onto the mat is a "loser".  By simply engaging in this worth while task it is our hope that your child will recognize that much of success is simply seeing a task to its finish.  

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